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Welcome to the CPS

The Cambridge University Assistants Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) is specifically designed for all members of Support Staff within the University.

There are different sections of the scheme depending on when you became a member. If you have had a break in active membership and returned to the scheme then you may have benefits in more than one section. If you are unsure which section(s) you are a member of please contact our office.

The full scheme rules are available at: The CPS Scheme Rules  and 2004 Scheme Changes

On this page you can find:

Latest News / Recent Member Meetings

Forms / Updating Your Details

Reporting a Death

For details of the different sections of the scheme see:

Hybrid Section - For Members Joining 01/01/2013 or Later

CRB Section - For Members Who Joined Before 01/01/2013


Latest News / Recent Member Meetings

Post members' meeting follow up note


Click here to see the video of the CPS members' meeting held on 6th March 2024 (pre 2013 members)

Click here to see the slides of the CPS members' meeting held on 6th March 2024 (pre 2013 members)


Click here to see the video of the CPS members' meeting held on 6th March 2024 (post 2013 members)

Click here to see the slides of the CPS members' meeting held on 6th March 2024 (post 2013 members)


Click here to see the video of the SEI Master Trust July 2023 presentation

Click here to see the slides of the SEI Master Trust members' meeting held on 12th July 2023


Forms / Updating Your Details

CUACPS Joiner Registration Form 

CUADCPS Joiner Registration Form

These two forms should be completed by new members of the scheme, the first relates to your defined benefit pension which is administered by our office and the second relates to your defined contribution pension which is administered by the SEI Master Trust team.


Expression of Wish Form

Registration of Potential Dependant Form

These two forms should be completed to inform us of potential beneficiaries for the benefits that become payable in the event of your death.


Transfer-In Authority Form

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) Form

These forms can be used to top up your defined contribution pension which is administered by the SEI Master Trust team. If you joined the CPS before 01/01/2013 you will not automatically have a defined contribution pension but you can choose to start one by transferring in or commencing an AVC arrangement.


CAMbens Lifestyle Event Form (for opting-out of the Salary Sacrifice arrangement only)

This form form should be completed if you wish to continue contributing to the scheme but wish to do so outside of the University's salary sacrifice arrangement. This form is only applicable if you are employed by the University. If you are employed by another employer (for example Cambridge Assessment) then you will need to speak to your HR or Payroll department regarding your employer's salary sacrifice arrangement.


Opt-Out Form

This form should be completed if you wish to cease contributing to the scheme.


Change of Bank Details

This form should be completed if you are in receipt of a pension and wish to update your payment details.


Change of Address

This form should be completed to keep your address up to date if you are in receipt of a pension from our scheme or have a deferred pension with our scheme. If you are still contributing to the scheme then you do not need to provide us with your address as correspondence will be via your work postal address or work email address.


Change of Name - we will require confirmation of your change of name in writing, together with documentary evidence.


Reporting a Death

In the unfortunate event of the death of a pensioner, it is important that the Pensions Office is informed as soon as possible, so that we can prevent an overpayment and ensure that any death-related benefits are paid promptly to the next-of-kin.

When reporting the death of a pensioner, please telephone or email the Pensions Office as soon as possible with the following information-

  • Name of Deceased
  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Death
  • Address at time of death
  • Your Name
  • Your Relationship to the deceased
  • Your Contact details

The Death Certificate will need to be seen by the Pensions Office. If possible please arrange for a scan or a photograph of the death certificate to be sent to us by email, alternatively the death certificate can be posted to our office.

Our email address: 

Our phone number: (01223) 332214